Official Rule Set of Kyza Kards (Updated December 14, 2024)
To play you will need the following:
2 Players with:
A Kyza Kard deck
(For Rules on constructing a deck see Deck Construction below)A play area which has room for the following:
3 Character Spaces
3 Effect Spaces
1 Deck Space
1 Discard Space
1 Out of Game Space
It may be helpful to also have a dice nearby to keep track of counters on cards. Example: keeping track of Continuous Effects.
To Win the game you must defeat your Opponent’s, by reducing their Life Points to 0!
Each player will begin with 20 Life Points.
Life Points may be adjusted by house rules.
Shuffle your deck.
Determine who will go first.
Draw 4 cards.
Start turn. (See Phases of Your Turn, below)
Decks can be constructed any way you desire!
Maximum deck size is limited to being a reasonable size for shuffling easily.
There is no ban against house rules for Deck construction. However, there is a preset guideline for playing under the Official Format Decks.
Official Format Decks:
Konflict Format
20 Card Deckbuilder
(Quicker Games)
You may only have 20 Cards in your Deck.
Up to 2 copies of a single/unique card (called a Playset)
Card’s Uniqueness is determined by the Card Name in the Effect Text box at the bottom of each card above the Effect text.
Kollectors Micro Format
20 Card Deck
(Medium Length Games)
You may only have 20 Cards in your Deck.
Up to 1 copy of a single/unique card.
Kollectors Macro Format
40 Card Deck
(Longer Length Games)
You may only have 40 Cards in your Deck.
Up to 1 copy of a single/unique card.
DRAW Card Phase:
DRAW 1 Card from the top of your deck. Put it into your Hand.
Player going first does not draw on their first turn.
ACTIVATE Effect Phase
ACTIVATE any Effects from cards SET face down under your control on the field.
COMBAT Attack Phase
Choose any number of Characters under your control to Attack your Opponent’s Life points.
COMBAT Defender (SUB) Phase
Opponent decides if they choose to accept incoming damage OR Defend using Characters under their control.
The Opponent may assign any number of Characters to block/defend any Attacking Character. (unless an Effect specifies otherwise).Remember: Defending Players determine which Attacking Characters to block.
As a Defending Player, you decide which of your Characters block which Attackers.
Before Damage is calculated/dealt you may play any Flash Effect Cards. Attacking player has priority and must declare any Effects in this phase. If there are no Flash effects declared by the Attacker, then the Defending player may play any Flash Effects.
(See the STACK rules below).After all Flash Effects resolve, calculate & distribute damage.
Once Damage is calculated & distributed, this Phase ends.
Remember: If you play a Flash card in this Phase it must occur before Damage is Distributed.SET Phase
You can SET any number of cards from your hand onto the field on Character Spaces face up, or face down onto Effect Spaces.
You cannot Set more cards into play if you do not have enough spaces.
3 Characters & 3 Effects in play under your control Max (unless specified by card effect).END TURN Phase
Discard down to 4 cards in Hand (if possible). A Time counter is added on any Continuous Effects currently active. If a Continuous Effect card’s accumulated Time counters matches it’s Aether Level, Discard that card.
NOTE: After your End Phase, the Player after you gains Priority and thus begins their Turn Order.
Kyza Kard Cards are designed to be played as Character Kards or Effect Kards. You can play them which ever way you see fit!
If you decide to play a card as a Character, pay attention to:
Aether Level (AL)
Aether Level (AL) is represented by the Aether Cross symbol found on every card.
In order to play the card as a Character you must fulfill the requirements based on the on the card’s Aether Level.
To play a AL 1-4 Character = No Discard required.To play a AL 5 Character = Discard one Character in play.
To play a AL 6 Character = Discard two Characters in play.
(Characters must be in play under your control.)
2. Cum (Damage)
This is the damage stat. You can deal Cum Damage with your Characters by attacking your opponent in Combat Attack Phase.
If you Opponent does not block an incoming attack, your attacking Character will deal Cum damage directly to your Opponent’s Life Points. If you drop their Life Points to 0, you win!
3. Orgasm (Health Points)
This is the Character Health Point stat. When you Defend oncoming attacks, minus the incoming Cum Damage from your Orgasm Points.
If the Orgasm of any Character reaches 0, discard that Character to the Owner’s Discard Space.
Please note: Damage dealt to Characters will last until the End of the (current) Turn.
4. Static Effects (TBA)
Static Effects have the Static Effect symbol. They cannot be played as Effect Cards and only apply to the Card while it is in Play in the Character Space. (Static Effect’s have not yet been Printed, although they are being tested out.)
If you decide to play your card for it’s Effect then please note:
Effect Cards are always placed face down during the SET Phase
(unless otherwise specified by another card effect).
When playing an Effect Card, focus on the:
Effect Text
Effects are always SET face down during your SET Phase(s).
If a card asks you to put an Effect card into play, you must place the Effect Card face down.
You may activate Effects only on your ACTIVATE Phase
(unless otherwise specified - See Flash Symbol below)
After an Effect has been Activated and Resolved, place it into your Discard pile. (Discard it.)
2. Continuous Symbol
Continuous Effect symbol are Effects that do not get discarded after Activation like other Effects. They remain in play until removed.
The Aether Level on the card determines how many turns your Continuous Effect remains in play for. When you Activate a Continuous Effect keep track how many turns it remains active for! Example: AL 4 = 4 Turns.
At the END of each of YOUR turn(s), place a Time Counter on each of your Continuous Effect cards currently active in play. If a Continuous Effect card’s accumulated Time Counters match its Aether Level, Discard that Effect card.
3. Flash Symbol
Cards with the Flash symbol can be played within any Phase after the Draw phase and before the End Phase. They can also be played on an Opponent’s turn (after the Draw phase and before the End Phase.)
TL;DR: they can be played in ACTIVATE, COMBAT, SET Phases.Flash Effects can only be played from a SET face down position (in play, not from your hand.)
If a Card Effect asks you to put a card into play (from either your hand, from your Deck or other zones) you must play that card face up as a Character in an available Character Zone.
If you decide to play the card as an Effect (or the Effect specifies put into play as an Effect) you must play it FACE DOWN, and SET the Effect. You will have to wait for your ACTIVATE phase to ACTIVATE Effects. (UNLESS the card specifies, please read the card Effect text.)
If you are unable to place cards into the appropriate Space due to lack of space (example: All 3 Character Spaces are taken up and All 3 Effect Spaces are taken up) that card will then go into your hand instead as a replacement action.
Priority refers to the instance in which each player is rightfully allowed to play Kards. At the beginning of each Phase of the turn the ACTIVE PLAYER will have Priority. They have the priority to legally play or preform an action within their Phase before an Opponent ACTIVATE’s an Effect (Flash Effects).
For example: If it’s the ACTIVE Players Turn, and they are starting their ACTIVATE Phase, the Opponent will have to wait until the ACTIVE Player preforms an action. To which the Opponent may respond to via Flash Effect.
If no Actions are done, and the Phase advances, then the Opponent will gain Priority to activate a Flash EFFECT before moving to the next Phase.
The Stack is an event that occurs when two (or more) Effect cards are activated one after another. Typically the Stack will involve a Triggered Ability, or Flash Effect being Activated, in response to a Player activating an Effect.
When a player Activates an Effect, the Opponent may choose to respond to the Effect activation with their own FLASH Effect.
When a Triggered Ability/Event occurs, the player’s Opponent may respond by playing a FLASH Effect.
The Stack resolves in First In Last Out order.
Player A Activates an Effect Card.
Player B responds by Activating a FLASH Effect.
Player A then Activates their own FLASH Effect in response.
The order of Effects resolving would be:
3.Player A’s FLASH Effect,
2.Player B’s FLASH Effect,
1.Player A’s First Effect Activation.
To Win the game you must defeat your Opponent’s by reducing their Life points to 0!
Player’s lose the game if they are reduced to 0 Life points at any time.
A Player will lose the game if they draw a card while they have no cards in their Deck. Regardless of your Life points.
NOTE: Losing the game is a State Based Action and cannot be responded to with Flash Effects. (Winning (or losing) the game is a state-based action checked at the beginning of each players Priority.)
If you’re not having fun, you’re losing. - Kaz